Memory Jogger
Everyone should have something called a Memory Jogger. Your jogger is your best friend and should always be the first to know new details about everyone you might sell to. Did you just learn that your cousin got married? Tell your jogger. Did your neighbor just lose his job? Tell your jogger. Always tell your jogger everything you might forget. It is through systems like this that famous and successful folks can seem to remember everything about people they almost never meet. If you succeed to plan, you plan to succeed.
"Memory Jogger- A system for keeping track of and managing the people in your seller network. It is a document that contains the details of everyone in your warm market. It’s called a memory jogger because it helps jogs your memory to think of people you may forget."
Start now! Login to your MyDNA panel and fill out your Memory Jogger with all the people you know! Leave anything you don’t know or understand blank; we’ll get to them in a minute.
The Basic steps
Now that you have a list of people to start selling to, it’s time to start the engine of progress. Just like a combustion engine, the DNA System is a cycle of steps that you repeat over and over again, with each time being bigger and better than before. There are four steps, and they are Prepare, Prospect, Identify, and Solidify.
If you’ve already filled out your Memory Jogger, that’s a great start! You now know the first most important thing about your contacts: their contact information. Now you need to prepare yourself. You can do that by reviewing the big three: The Company, the Product you sell, and the Opportunity you offer.
Our Company
Review the 4life and DNA websites inside and out and be ready to answer any question that people have about the company. Do you know when 4Life was founded? How many products we sell? What our favorite color is? (Hint: It’s blue.) Learn the bios of our higher members and the history of DNA. If you’re able to tell the story of an ordinary bloke who found success through DNA, you’ll be more likely to get more people who want to follow both them and you.
This is also a good time to review our web training series and other training materials as well. They’ll give you lots more information to use. Remember that knowledge is power! Every fact you know is another defense against doubts and questions. Try to answer the following questions:
- · What is the history of 4Life and DNA?
- · Where are our offices around the world?
- · Why was 4Life started?
- · What is our Mission Statement?
Start now! Review the About Our Company section and learn more about DNA and 4Life. Find it at the end of this document in the appendix.
Our Products
A businessman trying to sell something without a good knowledge of the products is like a bad simile: you can say whatever you like about it, but it just won’t be very convincing. That’s why you should try to understand as much as you can about the products you sell. Knowing things like what your products are and what they do is essential. Be sure that you can answer the following questions for each of our products:
- · What does it cost?
- · How much comes in a set?
- · What is it for?
- · What makes it unique?
Start now! Go over the Our Products section in the appendix and find the answers to all of these questions for each product.
Our Opportunity
4Life offers a revolutionary product, but DNA offers a revolutionary business opportunity. Recruiting new members and building your downline is how you go from just selling on your own to being at the helm of a crew dedicated to self-betterment, with you being able to get residual income from your downline all the while. So be sure to feature DNA as one of the main things you want to sell. The more folks you sign up, the better off they, DNA, and you will be. Be sure to learn the big benefits of working with DNA and commit them to memory. A few of the big ones include:
- · The advantages of Network Marketing: In business for yourself, but not by yourself.
- · Residual income: Lasts forever and can even be passed on to your family after you’re gone.
- · Skill building: This is the world’s greatest personal development course.
- · Unlimited potential: build whatever you want, when you want to.
"Residual income- Income you get daily from commissions and your downline whether you decide to work that day or not."
Start now! Read The DNA Opportunity to familiarize yourself with how to sell the unique advantages that come with working with DNA. Find it—you guessed it—in the appendix.
Analysis Paralysis
It’s always important to be prepared, but don’t overdo it! You should spend time learning all of the above materials, but limit yourself to at most three full days studying your potential customers and your materials before an event. Remember that learning all of this is pointless if you never get to the next part of the process.
Prospecting is the lifeblood of the upline, downline, you, and everyone else. It’s how you sell and how you build your network. Prospecting is when you heat up your contacts and find new ones. It’s when you turn people you don’t know into cold contacts, turn cold contacts into warm contacts, and warm contacts into hot ones. (Also known as customers)
Heating up your contacts
Nobody was born knowing about the great opportunities that DNA has to offer, and it is natural for folks to be everything from unsure to doubtful to downright skeptical. This problem is almost always solved with more information, and there are many ways to tell them more. Here are a few listed in increasing order of effectiveness:
Phone Calls and Email
Think of these tools as the trusty shovels of the marketing world. They’re not very powerful and can get tiresome, but it can be enough to get the job done if the job isn’t too big. Use phone calls to keep warm contacts warm, to stay in touch, and to gather information for your memory jogger, and emails to reach out to the colder of your contacts before calling them. Always try to get your contacts to either a presentation or into a personal conference if you can. That is where you will be able to more easily win them over.
Start now! Get both the Email and the phone number for everyone in your memory jogger. If you don’t have certain information, use what you do have to find what you don’t.
Individual conferences
Using a shovel is fine if that’s all you have, but we can do better. If you can establish a meeting with a contact, perhaps at a coffee shop or at your office, then we can bring out the heavy equipment. Conferences are like excavators: They’re harder to get, but are far more powerful and can move literally tons of crap out of the way. If you can set up a conference with a contact, then it’s often a safe bet that you’ll be able to heat them up a level or two. If done well, conferences can also often end in signups or sales.
If a conference is like an excavator, then a presentation is like the Bagger 293.
The Bagger 293. Little known fact: it actually runs off of pure RioVida®.
“Can’t start my day without it!” -Bagger
Presentations are far and away the most efficient way to really turn up the heat on your market. What is true for conferences though is doubly true for presentations: the rewards of a presentation are huge, but they are comparatively tricky to set up. Presentations are such a big topic that we have both a video lecture series available online and a whole section dedicated to it later on in Marketing: How to sell. For now we’ll move on, as presentations are a topic that is for when you’re better established.
Start now! Do you have 20 or more people in your memory jogger? Then it might be time to think about a presentation! Watch our video lectures and skip ahead to the Marketing section.
So you’ve filled out your memory jogger and have gotten in touch with your contacts. Nice! But now ask yourself if you can get any more information about them. The information we can provide you with is only half the battle. You’ll be much more effective in the field if you can find out more about your market. Do you know where they work? IF they work? Are they married? Do they volunteer in their community or belong to a club? Do they have kids? As you compile a more complete image of your contact, take advantage of your Memory Jogger and log the information. Try to find out as much as possible about your potential customers indirectly before calling them. Once you’ve done your homework, ask yourself if there is anything else you would like to know about your contact that you would like to learn during the phone call. This will often yield helpful information about the contact’s character or reveal common ground that will allow you to instantly build rapport.
Gathering Intel
Like we said earlier, knowledge is power. The more you get, the better prepared you will be to sell to the specific needs of your client. But there is a balance to be made here: You don’t want to just call them up and quiz them about every last detail you can think of; this can come off as intrusive and decrease the contact’s candor. Instead, focus on questions that will produce the most useful answers. Don’t waste time asking how many years of college the contact completed if the information can be easily found on Linkedin. A thorough web search of your contact’s history can give you a great base of information to build on during the phone call and allow you to project a sincere interest in the contact.
Start now! Now that you have a good number of contacts in your memory jogger, give their entries an upgrade! Use what you have learned to create a deeper description of your contact. What can you tell about the characteristics of these individuals based on what you find?
A Winning Style
As you will see, each type of person responds best to information that is presented in a certain style. As you learn more about your subject, keep these categories in the back of your mind so that you can better identify your target and present information about DNA in a style that will click. There are four character types that we recognize for individuals, and each has a corresponding color for easy reference. These four types are:
GREEN: Technical individuals. This type of character is associated with a deep focus on the facts. They like to be informed in an orderly and logical fashion. Stats on the success of the DNA growth rate, figures on residual income, and extensive nutritional details of 4Life products are just a few talking points that will work well for this group. Combine this approach with an upbeat and positive delivery and you have a potent argument for joining the DNA team.
YELLOW: Individuals heavily influenced by emotion. They make decisions based on emotions as opposed to facts. Those that fall into this category will persuaded with an impassioned description of the 4Life lifestyle and the limitless growth potential of DNA. Try using real-life success stories within the company as examples of what can be accomplished. Be frank that one needs to put in hard work to be among the top performers, but drive home the point that this leads to residual income; the potential for the income you’ve always dreamed of while living the lifestyle you want, being able to spend time with family, and take days off whenever you want to.
BLUE: Social individuals that connect easily with others. These types of people will respond well to rapport building and appreciate the social aspect of DNA. Try to find some common ground and conduct the dialogue as a naturally flowing conversation while making sure to address your points. Highlight the power of personal connections in business and promote the effectiveness of DNA as a networking organization. Mention the strong bond that DNA members share and the excellent mentoring and support systems that foster success. Describe the positive energy seen at 4Life conventions and the camaraderie enjoyed by all members. Make sure they know that with DNA you’re in business for yourself, but not by yourself.
RED: Frequently pessimistic and have a poor attitude. People in this category are likely to lack the positivity, passion and dedication exhibited by DNA members. It is best to avoid this type of person until their character changes and is represented by another color.
Identifying Motives
Always remember that your contact is interested in DNA because they are looking to improve their lives in some way. While keeping in mind that no two contacts are the same, categorizing them by general character types and determining what elements of the DNA life will appeal the most to them is an essential element in efficiently selling the DNA product.
Start with their name and where they work. If they have any social media profiles, try to reach out to them there, or at least learn who they associate with. Can you call people associated with your client and ask for more information about them that way?
Find out who and what they are and what they stand for, and how DNA might fit into it. Are they a family person? Maybe DNA can help their financial security. Are they a health nut? The 4Life products would likely be a great fit. What gets them up in the morning? Do they get up at all? Find out what and why, and you’ll be that much closer to finding out how to get your next big sale.
Trigger questions
You know how to dig a little deeper into your contact’s history. You know the character types and to address them with a style that fits. But how do you know which category a contact belongs in? This is where trigger questions come in. These are powerful tools to explore the character of your contact. No simple yes or no answers here; these questions are designed to determine the personality type of the subject and the style you should employ to communicate effectively and persuasively with them. What’s the best part of your day? Can you tell me about a moment of personal victory in your life? How do you define success? What do you do to stay healthy? These types questions will reveal the lifestyle, values, and character of your contact.
"Trigger Question- A question designed to explore the personality of the subject and reveal a character type. This is a powerful tool to develop an effective and personalized recruitment pitch."
This is the point where you must reinforce your foundational work. You’ve done research on your contact, maybe spoken with this person a time or two. Now you have to nourish this relationship by reaching out and getting in more phone calls. You can also take the bull by the horns and have a face to face with the contact. They will be impressed by the sincere effort to keep in contact and increase their belief in the success of the system. Remember, by following up you can make sure that they are off to a great start in the program and check to see if they have any questions about the program. They have probably thought of a few new ones since they joined. In the earliest dialogues, they usually don’t even know what questions to ask at all.
Out of the Classroom: Prospecting
Now is the time to start considering which of your contacts to reach out to first. In order to do that, you need to categorize these people. As you have already seen, this can be done according to character type. Here, you need to place them in either your cold or warm markets. A warm market contains the greatest chance of recruitment. This is because some of the work has already been done for you; this group consists of people who have displayed to you an interest in the organization, your friends, acquaintances that you encounter in your day to day routine, and so on.
When it comes to prospecting, vigilance is paramount. Your greatest success will come when you analyze every interaction for its merit as an opportunity to recruit. Of course, every person you come across will not be a valuable prospect. The surly waiter at a restaurant you frequent? Your efforts are best employed elsewhere. Your hard-working neighbor who might have helped you set up your Christmas lights last year who just got laid off would be a fantastic prospect.
The greatest obstacle in prospecting is not failure, but the fear of failure. Failure itself can’t stop you; even the most successful members in the Alliance do not hit a home run every they go up to bat. They encounter the same types of people that you will when recruiting, and that includes people with negativity and other bad fits for our organization. The key is that these most successful members get up, brush themselves off, and keep a positive attitude as they search for their next prospect. They have overcome the fear of failure because they understand the Law of Averages. No matter how many consecutive prospects you fail to bring into the fold, you must remember that this makes you no less likely to achieve success with your next attempt. Those failures are part of a larger pool of outcomes that include successes. In fact, if you learn from each recruitment attempt and refine your technique, your chances of success will actually increase each time!
"Law of Averages- The frequency of events with the same likelihood of occurrence even out, given enough instances."
Start now! Try breaking your contacts into warm and cold markets. Then, reach out to a few people in the warm category; your friends are a great place to start!
To be clear: you don’t have to follow the defined path provided. Members are completely free to go down the Facebook path; that is, indiscriminately blasting your Facebook friends with recruitment attempts. However, this is not a part of the defined path that is made clear to members and is an uphill battle. As you already know, our most successful members make their warm markets paramount. If you “friend” people on Facebook that you may not have met in person, then all your Facebook contacts are not part of your warm market! Your greatest opportunities lies with the warmest contacts you have.
As you get your feet wet with prospecting and taking your first steps in the company by yourself, it's important to remember that your Sponsor is your lifeline and a great source for advise; remember that Sponsors have been in your place during their own assent! Take advantage of your sponsor and use the DNA Plan to get on your fastest path to success. Work the DNA Plan: read the modules, use your memory jogger, take advantage of your supervisor.